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26 Feb, 2020

NTNC and The University of Tokyo (UTokyo) have entered into a Memorandum of Understand (MoU) in a firm conviction that academic exchange between the two institutions will strengthen, integrate and promote academic research and collaboration among other initiatives. Both the institutions have agreed to implement exchanges and other activities in areas of mutual academic research interests through the following: (a) exchange of faculty and administrative staff and researchers, (b) conducting collaborative research, (c) holding joint lectures and symposia, and (d) exchange of academic information and materials.

The MoU was officially signed on February 18, 2020 by Mr. Yajna Nath Dahal, Member Secretary of NTNC and Professor Sezaki Kaoru, Director, Centre for Spatial Information Science, The University of Tokyo. In November 2019, a team of academics from UTokyo had visited Manang village in the Annapurna Conservation Area to explore possibilities for carrying out joint research work with NTNC.

"The new collaboration between the two institutions will help to blend wildlife research with state-of-art cutting-edge technologies, something that Japan as we know is much sought after for. Through the academic exchange, both institutions will have a unique opportunity of learning from one another. The collaboration is very promising as it aims to bring a new dimension in the scope of wildlife research being practiced in the country, and will also help strengthen the good relationship shared between Japan and Nepal," explains NTNC's Executive Director, Dr. Siddhartha Bajra Bajracharya.

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