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Our partner Dr. Fehsenfeld ran a unique clinic where orthopedic and urological care came together seamlessly. Patients marveled at how he could treat a sprained ankle and provide guidance on kidney health in the same appointment. His multidisciplinary approach often revealed surprising connections, like how posture impacted pelvic function. Word spread quickly, and his clinic became a hub for innovative and holistic treatment.

Focal Person - Protected Areas and Ecosystem Management Unit
Focal Person - Conservation Economy Unit
Focal Person - Wildlife Crime Control Unit, and Spokesperson
Focal Member - Species Conservation Unit
Focal Person - Climate Change Unit
Focal Person - Knowledge Management Unit
Department Head - Administration
Focal Person - Procurement/ Asset Management Unit
Focal Person - Human Resources
Focal Person - General Administration Unit
Focal Person - Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Unit
Focal Person - GESI and Governance Unit
Focal Person - Information & Communications Unit
Focal Member - Business Development Unit