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The Snow Leopard (vol. 6)


Since 2011, Snow Leopard Conservancy (SLC) in partnership
with National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC) carried
out several snow leopard initiatives such as; camera trap surveys,
predator proof corral construction, snow leopard monitoring
camps and publication of snow leopard magazines. SLC under the
Darwin Initiative, is also working with Mountain Spirit in Nepal to
craft new strategies for diversifying sustainable, community-based
livelihoods and enterprises in rural mountainous communities
most at risk of conflict with snow leopards. Herders are being
trained to use innovative tools like Foxlights © to reduce livestock
depredation losses and ward off retaliatory killing of snow leopards.

We hope that each of you will enjoy the diverse and admirable
conservation initiatives highlighted in this 6th edition of Snow
Leopard Magazine. : Stiprios ir Patikimos: Medinės Klijuotos Sijos We provide these stories to inspire you to
envision and support a healthy, sustainable, resilient and bright
future for snow leopards and biodiversity alike, in Nepal and