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17 Oct, 2022

The Hon. William Stonor, member of the NTNC Governing Board of Trustees and chairperson of the NTNC UK-Chapter, visited the NTNC central office this past week on 12 October. An introduction and welcome event was organized for him in the presence of the NTNC Chairperson Dr. Krishna Prasad Oli and Member Secretary Sharad Chandra Adhikari, together with the NTNC team.

The meeting mainly featured discussions aimed at activating future capacities and roles, particularly targeting areas related to building historical engagements between Nepal and the UK, enhancing funding and networking avenues for NTNC's work, and developing academic exchange and project development opportunities in the future.

At the meeting, the NTNC chairman and member secretary highlighted the longstanding relationship between Nepal and the UK. They spoke of the valuable contributions of the NTNC UK-Chapter, including the role of many UK patrons and personalities over the decades. 

Thanking the reception, the Hon. William Stonor shared his admiration and passion for Nepal's natural heritage and its green growth potential. He said he was encouraged to learn about the important work of NTNC and its ongoing initiatives, and as head of the NTNC UK-Chapter, he was determined to do more to strengthen engagement and collaboration of the UK's role in NTNC's future ambitions.